Whangara Angus - New Changes Announced
Gisborne based young stud owner, Tom Sanson is delighted to announce his recent purchase of the respected Whangara Angus stud and long-term lease of the Lane property, based 30 minutes north of Gisborne.
He and local veterinarian, Andrew Cribb are equal partners in the venture and took over in March after agreeing to a 10-year term with another 10-year right of renewal for the 1006ha property.
As a stud owner and farm manager for over 12 years, and an experienced veterinarian based in Gisborne, East Coast farmers will have a dream team at their disposal.Both Tom and Andrew have an unwavering focus on breeding values and data-driven decisions, so they can bring their customers the best bulls. They also know the importance of sharing their best genetics in their entirety so their farming operation can go further.
Animal performance and profitability takes centre stage in all of Tom and Andrew’s investment decisions.“We know how important high-functioning stock and structural soundness are. We will always concentrate our farming efforts on this and never cut any corners when it come to our breeding programme.”
“You need proof and data to support you to make the best decision about your genetic choices because relying on guesswork doesn’t get you far.”They purchased the property’s entire livestock, comprising 300 Angus commercial cows and young stock plus all the sheep, and the highly respected Whangara Angus stud cattle herd.
Tom and Andrew are also proud to be sponsoring the last What’s The Beef Roadshow event, on farm at 25 Andrews Road, Whangara, on Monday 17 May. Here you will be able to listen to guest speakers, and understand what’s involved in generating quality beef from conception through to processing. Registrations are essential at www.whatsthebeef.co.nzLastly, and most importantly, the Whangara Angus 2021 Bull Sale day will be held on Tuesday 29 June from 12pm. Bull sales catalogues will be posted out over the coming weeks, as well as posted online.
For any questions regarding the recent handover of Whangara Angus, please reach out to Tom Sanson on 027 248 9098 or tom@whangaraangus.co.nz www.whangaraangus.co.nz